01 March, 2009

Things that I HATE!!!

Why choose a topic like this? Shall explain that in a different post. For now, I have decided to run an acid test on myself. Can I speak/accept the truth about myself.

I have never claimed to be the best example of the human specimen - female at that. Society (for what it is worth) at large expects of us certain standards by virtue of our role in life - human, male, female, employed, self employed, unemployed, studying....and so on. Over a period of time we get adept at hiding our true self and projecting an image (sometimes vastly different from the truth) that others would like (we presume).

If only all mothers took time to understand the real person behind their child and let them be. Only a child can fearlessly and upfront make a face at anyone on being unjustly punished. Only a child can freely accept their dislike for a bath, baked beans or even a person. I am not asking to let them grow into disrespectful people. But allow children to choose and modify their tastes to suit themselves as well as others.

Instead of controlling their innocence, help channelize their emotions. Instead of an outright rejection
of their guilelessness help them mature with love. Help them grow up into mature, sensitive individuals who also feel liberated enough to pull a face at a stupid boss.

Getting back to myself. I am in a very I-ME-MYSELF mood today. So thought why not indulge? And what better place than a blog to do so? I know - sounds pathetic.....but who cares :-)

So.... in no particular order, here are some things I HATE ;-)

Getting up early in the morning

No normal person should ever be asked to wake up before 8.00am in the morning.... period.
If someone called me earlier than that (especially on a holiday) and asked, "Sorry were you sleeping? Hope I did not disturb you", My first instinct would be to say, "Go ************* " and several such choice adjectives. However, considering the sensitivities of people around me, I
am bound to say, "Yeah...was asleep, but its ok...no problem". No problem!!! My foot.

A sad fact though is that, I have to be in office by 7.00 - 7.15 am. It takes a minimum 30 minutes to reach office. Therefore, I have to wake up by 6.15 - 6.30 am every working day!!! :-(

My father and sister love to wake up early in the morning. They derive some insane & inexplicable (will forever remain unknown to me) pleasure by waking early. More irksome is that, my father - fully aware of my hatred for "an early morning tryst with the world" - loves to ask the same question everyday - again fully aware that I no longer have the option to choose a negative (unless I am virtually dying) :-(

The question is, "Do you plan to go to office?" :X I choose not to respond. I need about 15 minutes to sit up and convince myself that I am indeed awake. Only then can I set foot on the ground. Also, everyone close to me knows, I do not like to say "GOOD MORNING" immediately upon waking . I feel nothing good about it.

The reason my father seldom gets a negative is because I love my job and the sense of independence it brings. So..... I am reduced to perpetually doing what I hate to do, almost everyday. :-(

Following procedures and policies over and over again

Everyone gets good at a job when they do it regularly. You develop an instinct over time. However, stupid laws and legal complications, necessitate that you follow all procedures and policies over and over again. What a waste of time and energy.

I fully empathize with "GOOD & HONEST" law enforcement officials. I understand their limitations. At least, my directives are from people who try to abide by the laws and not otherwise.

Here's a really mean thought that just struck me -

Organize an event - Lots of food + wine + free goodies + automated fun and frolic - Invitations restricted to only politicians, lawyers and criminals (of any capacity) from all over the world!!!! When everyone of these entities are in, lock all doors and windows and blow up the place :-D. All other marginally bad people would automatically resolve themselves (as there would no longer be any protection available to them). What a clean, free and pleasant world we could then look forward to. :-p ;-)

Jokes apart, lets get back to me!

I hate to brush and bathe as soon as I wake up on holidays!!!

I have said this before and I reiterate - I do not beleive that something is good purely because the rest of the world says so. It might have its merits and I am not contesting that. However, I like to choose what/when I want to do a particular chore. For starters, I like to first have tea/coffee before brushing my teeth :-) The world will not come to an end if I bathe at 12.00 noon or later instead of by 10.00 am....will it???

I am a decent cook (when in the mood)...however, I am sure, I would hate to do it regularly

Its not the cooking per se, that I hate. I hate the before and after of it. It takes away the charm when you have to clean, cut, dice, chop, grind all neccessary ingredients first. The actual process of cooking is interesting. But before you are even done relishing the food (you spent so much time making), it is time to clear the table and do the dishes. :-(

I would enjoy cooking and feeding a permanent someone who would help in sharing the before and after processes. :-)

I hate grocery shopping! Especially veggies and meat :-D

I do manage to drag myself along for a trip to the supermarket. But I dread and almost abhor having to tread to the 'sabji market' and the meat and fish stalls :-( Unfortunately here in India, I still do not see the value-add of buying frozen perishables at an illogically higher cost when the fresher and cheaper options are available almost down the street. While it seems hypocritical, I attribute it to the fact that I am (and hopefully will always remain) an Indian at
heart. I want all modern facilities but at the barest minimum cost - A socialist come to think of it.... WoW....No wonder Kolkata has been on my mind so much lately. I guess penning this down is helping me discover some hidden traits about myself too.

Trust me when I say, Indians (especially in the socialists states) are the most intelligent and happy people on earth. But I cannot be a true blue socialist either, as the democrat in me screams for freedom of choice.

I hate people who hop into bed wearing outside clothes

To an extent I am particular about general cleanliness. I do not push others for it as long as they do not dirty my space on purpose. But when it comes to the bed, I am a stickler for cleanliness. Don't ask me why. It is just who I am.

I hate dirty washrooms

I remember cleaning my washroom myself ever since I could manage it. I do not let anyone else do it (unless they share the same views on cleanliness as I). I guess it runs in my family and almost all relatives . Hence, is an acquired trait. I do not gel well with people who portray
superficial cleanliness bur maintain unhygienic toilets.

I hate spicy food --- I mean chillies only!

My constitution does not support it :-P My tastebuds are super sensitive to chillies. Consuming any thing spicy makes my eyes water and nose run. I feel embarrassed & hence prefer admiring chillies and its other substitutes from a distance. :-)

I hate slim people :-( .... Correction... I admire them....But am jealous :-(

I hate snobs.

I shall not qualify them with further comment.

I hate people who pretend innocence

A common occurrence in North-Indian and Bengali women. They can give western women a run for their money when trying to ensnare eligible men. Most are amazingly desperate for marriage by the end of their teens. Attraction towards the opposite sex starts much earlier. Most of their conversation revolves around men. Ask them why you need a three phase electrical connection at home and you will surely get blank looks. But mention even a Mills and Boon let alone Harold Robbins and they will choke as if the Anti-Christ just visited them. Doesn't the concept of procreation never enter their heads when they spend hours discussing men!!!

Be who you are. It is ok to not know. Just because some over powering, loud, macho males ( with egos as big as an elephant and mentality of a rat) have deemed these as bad books for young women to read, does not necessarily mean they are bad. I am not saying these books are good (neither will I join their marketing team). I would just like these women better if they could accept that they are not as innocent as they would like me to believe.

I hate people who say Sidney Sheldon books are bad.

They are adult books!!! Some say.

At 21, if someone does not consider themselves adult enough, I wonder when they will grow up (if ever). While I just about fall short of calling myself an SS fan, he is most definitely one of my favourites. Some of the most gripping plots I have read were by SS. I love his close to reality and sometimes quite logical approach to fiction writing. If one calls an SS novel 'racy' it means they only looked at the racy tidbits and hence, the remaining plot passed them by. I am sure I read my first SS while still in my teens.

You do not become bad by reading a so called "Adult" book or stimulating content for that matter. Shying to talk of something natural means the problem is within you and your perception. Don't blame a book if you can't control your senses and are unable to differentiate fiction from reality.

The choices you make, make you your own person. It is sometimes extremely tough to choose the right over wrong. As long as you have faith on yourself and your heart is in the right place, you cant go too wrong. Stop blaming books or authors. Delve deep into yourself and weed out the inherent darkness first.

I hate people who do not respect their parents

Disclaimer - The purview of my hatred does not extend to those who unfortunately had sorry examples for parents.

For the rest, who choose to disrespect and ignore those very parents who tried their best to give you as much as they could...."May you live a happy life."

I know parents seem like a burden to many. I wish they could see what their lives would be if their parents had given up on them - while they were still kids - because kids are most definitely a handful.

The number of such retards seem to be on the rise and no matter how much I try to ignore the fact....deep down I feel aggrieved. Educated women (especially in the cities) who bemoan the lack of financial security for being a home-maker do not qualify for my sympathy either. Let me not elaborate anymore or I shall go on forever.

I hate people who act like they know it all when they really don't.

Some choice examples are pass outs of certain institutions who consider intellect as their monopoly. They trip over themselves to prove it to the world and anyone who is willing to listen. More coming up later.........

And then there is another variety. People from institutions with a glorious past. They live in the shadows of the institute and its past glories, while contributing nothing worthwhile themselves. Several specimen from this variety can be found in Bengal. These weeds have for years contributed to the downfall of my hometown and unfortunately will continue to do so. I wish there was a broom that could selectively sweep them out of this world to a different planet
altogether.... :-P

I hate cold and damp weather

Summer is the best season :-D. I have no wish to ever live anywhere that is cold. Thanks but no thanks US, UK & the like.

And lastly the most important of all.....

I hate those without faith. I hate those even more who have the audacity to question my faith

I pride myself for my patience and tolerance (even religious tolerance to an extent). My religion is a factor of birth. Faith and belief however, are my own. I was never forced by anyone to bow my head in prayer. I was free to choose my direction in life as long as it did not lead to choosing a change of religion.

My early visits to the temple (with grandparents) had nothing to do with force. I would just tag along with the usual persistence that children usually have. As well as the fact that, there weren't too many options for daily outing in a tiny district town.

My love for Krishna (Madhav) had nothing to do with the Bhagwad Gita or Mahabharat. The blue, smiling idol was just a cute looking boy who I thought of as a friend. In his house (temple) his father (the priest) always gave me the juiciest mango pieces, amazing bhog prasad and
payasam worth dying for. Gopal's smile never faltered. I felt mean for enjoying such tasty treats at his house everyday but couldn't help tagging along. I would stand in front him. Tell him I was sorry for being so mean. Share with him the details of what I did the whole day. Share my woes (at having to learn to read Bengali), grievances (Dad's postcard said I got the first rank but the bad teacher had given me 95/100 in maths) so on and so forth.

I cannot recollect when that friendship evolved into respect and then faith. I am a fan of Krishna. I do not qualify to be called a devotee yet.

He is a friend, a guide, a helping hand and my safety net when I want one. He is my God and someone who in a human incarnate I can easily fall in love with,

Those who only understand the dictionary definition of God, I have nothing to explain. Those who think they are over and above the scope of God's benevolence, I feel sorry for them. Those who take pride in calling themselves non-believers/atheists or other fancy synonyms, may your
strength never fail you when you need it most. And those who question the rationale of my belief, may Krishna save you.

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